
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Review: Cross Country Christmas by Tiffany King #HoHoHoRAT

Cross Country Christmas
(Woodfalls Girls Novella)
Author: Tiffany King
Publisher: A.T. Publishing LLC
Publication Date: November 1, 2103
Genre: New Adult
Source: Purchased

With the holiday season upon her, Jamie Foster is once again stressed about making her yearly visit back home to Woodfalls, still single. Fate intervenes in the form of Grant Johnson, a boy she grew up with, who catches the same flight while returning home from a business trip.

When a malfunction sends their plane crashing down on the runway upon takeoff, Jamie and Grant decide to rent a car and make the nine-hundred-mile drive home together. Ironically for them, anything that can go wrong does as they face one hysterical hurdle after another.

Christmas may finally bring Jamie the gift of love she has always wanted if she and Grant can manage to overcome a few obstacles along the way. Ho-ho-ho!


This is a year when I know I’ll need some holiday spirit and whenever I have one of these years, I fully rely on Christmas movies and music to help bring it. I’m excited to discover Christmas reads as another avenue to lift me up for the holidays. Cross Country Christmas was the perfect read for this. Fireplace on, Christmas music playing, hot chocolate and Baileys in hand and I was ready to immerse myself. This book was just like the sappy Christmas movies I watch every year and I loved every minute of it.

Jamie moved away from Woodfalls four years ago with the idea of finding true love in mind. She has been in love with Grant since she was a kid but felt like he never noticed her. She comes face to face with Grant on a flight back home for Christmas. When plane troubles and a freak snowstorm leave them stranded together for a couple of days, things quickly heat up. Will Jamie find the love she’s been searching for in the boy who was always right in front of her?

I really liked Jamie and Grant. Jamie was like an accident waiting to happen, especially in the presence of Grant. Why wouldn’t she continuously humiliate herself in front of the boy she has crushed on for years? She is a strong, confidant women but she instantly turns into a klutzy mess around Grant and it cracked me up. She has this witty sarcasm she uses to deal with her feelings for Grant and it had me laughing out loud at times. While Jamie is oblivious, it is clear Grant has feelings for her and teasing and subtle flirting is how he shows it.

From the moment they meet again on the plane, they’re attempted trip home is one disaster after another and I found that to be a really fun and entertaining plot line. As they spent more time in close proximity with one another, the sexual tension continued to build. Being in Jamie’s head, I knew she was attracted to Grant but I could sense his feelings for her too and the anticipation was killing me. When they finally opened up to one another, it was a beautiful moment and despite all his joking and teasing, Grant was actually a really sweet guy. While his charm wasn’t surprising, his thoughtfulness and attentiveness was.

Plot development can be tricky with a novella since they’re so short but I think Tiffany nailed it. Even in such a short time, I was still able to get a feel for who the characters were and I was able to connect with them. She is excellent at writing steamy love scenes without overdoing it and still making it sensual and swoon worthy. What I liked most about this novella? It had an excellent mix of humor and romance.

~IPOD Picks~
“All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey
“Home for Christmas” by N’Sync



  1. Wasn't it just so funny and sweet. I really enjoyed it and I agree for a novella, the characters were really well developed as was the setting. Snow and swoon make a perfect duo!!

  2. Gah, lovely review! I was leery about spending 2.99 for a novella but this sounds so wonderful, and developed. I might cave on this one!!

  3. Thanks Kimba! I really enjoyed this one and it was perfect to get in the holiday spirit. It's loanable on the Kindle so if you want to borrow it, I would be happy to loan it to you anytime :-)

  4. Yes! I loved the mix of the humor and romance. I found myself laughing out load more than a few times. I was happy to see that it was quite developed for a novella.

  5. Awe you are so sweet, and that makes the price sound better..LOL I only have the kindle app and do not think I can borrow books.

  6. Yay! I can't wait to read this one!! I love Tiff's writing, so I knew she would do a great job, even with a novella! :)

  7. You will love it! Can't wait for you to read :-)


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