
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Swoon Thursday #1: With Every Heartbeat by Melody Grace

Swoon Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by YA Bound.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog! We want to know :-)

This is my first time doing Swoon Thursday but I have seen it around the blogosphere and I had the perfect swoon-worthy quote from my book this week that I wanted to share.

"I melt into him, swaying against his torso. If the kiss the other night was blazing and wild, this is dangerously sensual. Raphael's lips are cool on mine, slow and bold. His tongue slides into my mouth, exploring, probing, and all the while his hands stroke across my back, bringing me closer to the heat of his solid muscular back." 

I seriously loved this book. It was so sweet, romantic and full of lessons about living your own life and figuring how who you are and what you want. Check out my review tomorrow for the release day of With Every Heartbeat.


  1. OMG! Welcome to my favorite meme of the week! I'm SO glad you're doing this!! Because I know you'll have lots of great sexy swoons to share! Sigh! I do love this quote! Raphael... oh how I need one of my own!!!

  2. You inspired me! I love reading yours every week and this one stood out so much to me, I decided to join in. I'm pretty sure I can drop some swoon every week :-)


Thank you for your comment, you have truly made my day! I love reading and discussing other's thoughts and ideas. Leave a link to your blog and I would love to stop by!