
Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Sunday Post: Issue #21 ~ The One with All the Cover Reveals

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This week, it appears I signed up to help promote a ridiculous amount of cover reveals. I didn't realize it, but I signed up for like 5 cover reveals on one day. Oh well, I like helping authors promote so no big deal. :-)

November 4, 2013-- Release Day Launch: Four Seconds to Lose by K.A. Tucker
Meme: Top Ten Tuesday

November 5, 2013-- Cover Reveal: Perfect Love
Release Day Launch: A Matter of Truth by Heather Lyons

November 6, 2013-- Blog Tour Review: Everything Between Us by Mila Ferrera
HoHoHo Read-Athon: A Weekend of Holiday Fun!

November 7, 2013-- Cover Reveal: Meant for Me
Cover Reveal: Exquisite Betrayal
Cover Reveal: Rumor Has It
Cover Reveal: Sugar Kisses
Cover Reveal: Stay on Top
Meme: Swoon Thursday

November 8, 2013-- Release Day Launch & ARC Review: With Every Heartbeat by Melody Grace

November 9, 2013-- Review: Cross Country Christmas by Tiffany King #HoHoHoRAT

November 10, 2013-- New Release Blitz: The Edge of Always by J.A. Redmerski
The Sunday Post: Issue #21
Review: Warmth in Ice by A. Meredith Walters #HoHoHoRAT

I love reading reviews around the blogosphere for books I really enjoyed and read or books I'm really looking forward to. These are just a few reviews that caught my eye this week.

CeCe @ Steaming Mug of Books-- Undeclared by Jen Fredericks
Jessica @ Lovin Los Libros-- Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
Trish @ Between My Lines-- Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Tonya @ Lily Bloom Books-- Broken by CJ Lyons
Danielle @ What Danielle Did Next-- The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Teresa @ Readers Live a Thousand Lives-- Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer-- Red Hill by Jamie McGuire

Books I received for Review/Blog Tours

Thanks to the authors, publishers and Xpresso Book tours for On Solid Ground and Adrenaline Rush. Thanks to Melody Grace and Insklinger PR for With Every Heartbeat. Thanks to Tamara Mataya, the publisher and ATOMR Book tours for The Best Laid Plans.

Books I Bought This Week

November 11, 2013-- Release Day Launch: Keep Me Still by Caisey Quinn
HoHoHo Read-a-Thon VLOG recap
Blog Tour Review: A Risk Worth Taking by Heather Hildenbrand

November 12, 2013-- Cover Reveal: Out of Time
Blog Tour Review & Guest Post: A Matter of Truth by Heather Lyons

November 13, 2013-- Book Blitz: Knowing You
ARC Review: Off the Market by Magan Vernon

November 14, 2013-- Book Blitz: For Real
ARC Review: Christmas Catch by Chelsea Cameron

November 15, 2013-- Book Blitz: Perfect Love
Blog Tour Review: Ignite by Tessa Teevan

November 16, 2013-- ARC Review: For Real by Chelsea Cameron

November 17, 2013-- The Sunday Post: Issue #22

There is a good chance this will change next week because I am crazy like that but as of now this is what I plan.


  1. Aw, thank you so much for linking my review! That was a nice surprise. Great haul as always, I really need to buy Fractured soon. I read Sanctum last week and I'm still in a daze thinking about it, plus I NEED more Malachi!
    And you have on Solid Ground, I'm really looking forward to that one.
    Have a great week :)

  2. Oh that's a cute idea! The reviews you enjoyed for the week since we haven't done a read-a-long in awhile! :) Love that! Thanks for thinking of me!!! I have the first S.E. Hall book but I haven't read it yet, but I've heard great things. And Fractured! OMG. That book... I also need to get Only Between Us! Great haul this week chica! Can't wait for next week's reviews!

  3. Those cover reveals get you, because you fill out a form and forget. I try to mark them in my calendar immediately..but author love is never a bad thing!

  4. Best Laid Plans looks intriguing...enjoy your books! Here's


  5. Love the haul. Adrenaline Rush is one that I am looking forward to reading. Enjoy them.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  6. Ohh I really really wanna start the Sanctum series. Those covers are just so pretty and It sounds so good. An thanks for the mention!

    Happy reading!

  7. Looks like a good week coming up, and hope you're having fun with the
    read-a-thon. I like your idea of sharing book reviews, I'm going to go check a
    few of those out! Have a great week!!

  8. Ah, you got some good books. I love the cover of Fractured, but haven't read Sanctum yet. Hope you enjoy them all.

  9. Wow... You are super busy!! Looking forward to you thoughts on a Matter of Truth! Have a great week

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  10. LOL, we had several cover reveals this week too. Cover reveals are fun to post :) Thanks so much for stopping by by SP @Got Fiction Blog

  11. Kimberly @ Turning The PagesNovember 10, 2013 at 10:34 PM

    Holy Cover Reveals Batman! You were awfully busy this week for sure and that book haul! I love the looks of Best Laid Plans :)

    Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
    +New GFC follower :)


Thank you for your comment, you have truly made my day! I love reading and discussing other's thoughts and ideas. Leave a link to your blog and I would love to stop by!