Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday @ Starbucks: Fall Favorites & a Pumpkin Spice Latte

Saturday @ Starbucks is a weekly feature hosted by Starbucks & Books Obsession.

This week's topic is: 
Fall Favorites and a Pumpkin Spice Latte

Featured Drink: Pumpkin Spice Latte
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back and all is right with the world again. This is the first sign of fall and I think that's why I love them so much. The greatest thing about them is that their seasonal. That's what makes them so delicious, there only here for a limited time. While they can be a little sweet for me, I will drink them for a month straight for the fall feelings.

DiscussionTopic: Fall Favorites

Ok, so I know this isn't really a bookish topic but I love Fall. It is may favorite season for so many reasons. I grew up in Idaho which has 4 honest to god seasons and I loved it. I live in Seattle now and while the season changes are a little milder, we still get a lovely Fall here. I don't think I could live somewhere that doesn't have a seasonal change. Here are my Fall favorites and the reasons I love this season!

I love wearing boots but especially love them in the fall and winter. They're comfortable and warm and let's face it, I live in Seattle where it rains a hell of a lot in the winter and I need to wear boots.

Pumpkin Spice Latte
Obviously this is a fall favorite for me as evidenced above. Ehough said!

I freaking love sweaters! I don't know what it is but I just love them. They are so comfortable and there is a style for every occasion. 

I've always been a sports girl but Fall is synonymous with football and there's nothing better than relaxing on a Sunday with some football on the TV.

Color Changes
I am a total outdoorsy, scenery person. I love the part of Fall when all the leaves start changing the beauty of the colors. Living in the Pacific NW, we get the glorioius contrast of the leave changes on the decidious trees with the constant green of the pine. It's one of the reasons I love it here. There is color year round!

Acorn Squash
When I was a kid, my grandpa would plant a big huge garden and he always grew acorn squash. Every Fall, he would harvest it and then he would make me some whenever I went to visit. I have loved the stuff ever since then and as soon as fall hits, I'm buying acorn squash on a weekly basis. Add a little brown sugar and butter and it's a great, healthy side dish for dinner.

Homemade Salsa
I plant tomatos every spring for the sole purpose of being able to harvest them in the Fall and make salsa. I love homemade salsa and it is so delicious with fresh from the garden tomatos.

I love Halloween! It is one of my favorite holidays. I'm a total nerd and I love the Halloween movies ont the Disney channel. Carving Pumpkins, candy and the start of the holiday season make this a favorite of mine.

Fall Scented Candles
I love to candles. I don't actually burn them because I am a bit paranoid but I have candle burners all over my house and I can't wait to change them out and put in my Fall candles. These are my favorite scents out of all the seasons.

Since this is a book blog, I suppose I could include something bookish in this post. :-)
It rains a lot here in Seattle during the Fall and Winter so I never feel too bad about holing up in my house and reading on the weekends. One of the things I love to do, is curl up on my couch, turn on the fireplace and read a book while I listen to the rain beat down outside. There's just something so relaxing about reading by the fireplace.

What about you? Do you like Fall as much as I do? What are some of your favorite things about the season? Where do you like to read in the cold weather? I want to know it all!