The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
With this week being Thanksgiving, I had a light week here on the blog. It was kind of nice as sometimes I tend to overwhelm myself. I had a great Thanksgiving and I hope everyone that celebrates it did too!
Also, today is the first day of the 25 Days of Book Boyfriends, hosted by myself, Jessica @ Lovin Los Libros and Teresa @ Reader's Live a Thousand Lives. Head over to Lovin Los Libros and meet Jonah Whitcomb from the Fate Series!
November 25, 2013-- Teaser: Before We Fall by Courtney Cole
ARC Review: Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
November 26, 2013-- Tour Schedule: 25 Days of Book Boyfriends
November 28, 2013-- Swoon Thursday: Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Happy Thanksgiving! Bookish Things I'm Thankful For
November 29, 2013--Review: Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout
November 30, 2013-- Saturday @ Starbucks ~ Best/Worst #1: Christmas Movies
December 1, 2013-- The Sunday Post: Issue #24
ARC Review: Pawn by Aimee Carter
I love reading reviews around the blogosphere for books I really enjoyed and read or books I'm really looking forward to. These are just a few reviews that caught my eye this week.
Dare You To by Katie McGarry via Wendy @ Book Scents
Crash Into You by Katie McGarry via Trish @ Between the Lines
Manic by J.A. Huss via Lexxie @ Unconventional Book Views
Covenant Series by Jennifer L Armentrout via Betty @ BookRockBetty
Cross Country Christmas by Tiffany King via Jessica @ Lovin Los Libros

Books I received for Review/Blog Tours
Thanks to the authors and publishers! Also thanks to Inkslinger PR for Storm Warning, NetGalley for Switched, Xpresso Book Tours for Crashing into You and TRSOR Promotions for Last Hit.
Books I Bought This Week

December 2, 2013-- Release Day Launch: Last Hit by Jen Frederick & Jessica Clare
New Release Launch: Bittersweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout
December 3, 2013-- Release Day Launch: Before We Fall by Courtney Cole
Top Ten Tuesday
December 4, 2013-- Blog Tour Review: Last Hit by Jen Frederick & Jessica Clare
December 5, 2013-- Release Day Launch: One Wild Night by Magan Vernon
Swoon Thursday
ARC Review: Snowed Over by Angie Stanton
December 6, 2013-- Blog Tour Review: Covert Assignment by Missy Marciassa
December 7, 2013-- Teaser Blitz: Storm Warning by Caisey Quinn & Elizabeth Lee
December 8, 2013-- The Sunday Post: Issue #25
Blog Tour Review: One Wild Night by Magan Vernon
There is a good chance this will change next week because I am crazy like that but as of now this is what I plan.
Great books this week! I requested Switched but haven't heard back yet!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving.
Last Hit! I just bought that for myself! I can't wait to read it! I am SO excited to read Storm Warning! I'm a little scared though! LOL. I am totally Team Coop and it sounds like I'm going to fall for Hayden. LOL. DILEMMA! Yay for Remy! I need to get that and Mine. I don't know why I'm waiting. Probably cuz I know I don't have time to read them yet. I can't wait to read your reviews of Snowed Over and Last Hit! Eeep! Happy week!
ReplyDeleteI keep seeing Crashing into You...I'm now very curious.
Crashing Into You confused me for a moment. My brain kept thinking of Crash Into You. lol. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoy your books.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I like the sound of Switched though I think the cover is a little unoriginal considering it looks a lot like Cora Carmack's books.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading Last Hit right now and it's good so far. I just started but its Jen Fred so.. :-) I am excited to read Storm Warning too but definitely nervous considering how Caisey Quinn's books usually obliterate me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I noticed the rating on Goodreads is a little low so I'm a bit nervous to read this one.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I know right? I did the same thing a couple times too. Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteI got Derailed too. It just sounded so good. And I hope you love Beautiful Bastard. I thought that was a fun and schmexy read. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteI agree, it was only $.99 and it sounded so cute. I can't wait to read Beautiful Bastard, especially since you liked it.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what you think of Switched. I've been curious about it ever since I saw it on NetGalley. I really loved Remy! I have Beautiful Bastard for review, and am really looking forward to reading it! Happy Reading :)
ReplyDeleteLindy@ A Bookish Escape
I am excited to read Switched, I like the sound of it. I am a bit disappointed in the lack of creativity on the cover but I can get over that :-) I am so excited to read MINE and REMY. I LOVED Real.
ReplyDeleteMan... you've picked up some great books!! I liked Beautiful Bastard... get ready for lots of teasing and passion!! lol Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteThanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
I was tempted by Beautiful Bastard but somehow never actually picked it up. Next time! LOVE that cover for Storm Warning.