Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge 2014 ~ January: Young Adult

So this year Readers Live A Thousand Lives, Corrie The Book Crazed Girl, and Lovin' Los Libros have teamed up to host the Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge! For this challenge, the goal is to mix up the genres/categories we read. We have all had those times when we have gotten stuck in the genre/category we are currently reading and read nothing else for a while. The goal here is to mix that up! Each month we will feature a different genre/category and the goal is to read and review one book or more in that genre/category during that month. This month we are focusing on Young Adult. If you want to find out more and join in, go sign up here.

~My Favorites~


 I spent a most of the last half of last year reading New Adult/Contemporary novels so I am super excited to get back into YA this year. I am doing my own YA Series challenge this year so I'm excited that January is Young Adult month for the Jumble Your Genres challenge.

~What I Plan to Read~

I have heard AWESOME things about this series so I am so excited to read it. So far, I am loving it!


  1. Deity! Opal! Divergent! Love those books! And I cannot wait to see what you think of Vampire Academy! That's one of my favorite series and it gets better as it goes!

  2. Haha! There are so many amazing YA books out there. I am LOVING VA.

  3. Yay VA! :) and I'm going to read through the ever night this year!

  4. I haven't read Vampire Academy either and when I see how big the series is, it puts me off!
    I think Divergent, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games are my fav YA books. Which is funny as I prefer contemp which obviously none of those are.


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