Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday @ Starbucks #1: Book Boyfriends and a Macchiato

Saturday at Starbucks is a feature from Starbucks & Books Obsession

 To join in, just re-post the topic to your blog, link back to the host and enter your information in the Linky below. You can share your coffee drinks and the book topic or just blog about the bookish topic if you don't drink coffee. Either way, we want to know your thoughts on the weekly topic. 

This week's topic and coffee is:
 Book Boyfriends and a Macchiato.

Coffee of the Week: Hazelnut Macchiato

 Starbucks has a new flavored macchiato and that flavor is hazelnut. I love macchiatos so I decided to try it. I didn't really know what to expect because hazelnut is not one of my traditional flavors but I did actually like it. For me, it wasn't as sweet as the caramel and definitely had a nutty flavor you would expect.

My Favorite Book Boyfriends

  • Ky Markham (Matched Trilogy)- I know that Matched is a love or hate book and most who loved it seemed to be Team Xander. However, I loved Ky and I actually think he was the reason I liked the Matched Trilogy. He was such a mystery and his love for Cassia was so pure and he was so faithful to her, even when they were apart. I love him for his devotion
  • Four (Divergent Trilogy)- Four is one of my favorites. I think I like him so much because he is so hardcore and closed off in Divergent but he opens himself to Tris and lets himself be real and vulnerable with her. That is super sexy! :-)
  • Perry (Under the Never Sky)- I just finished Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night but I fell in love with Perry from the beginning. He is so mature for his age and he is a born leader. He is a bit of a ladies man but when he falls for Aria, he falls hard and I love how tender he is with her. 
  • Daemon Black (Lux Series)- Oh Daemon, how we all hate to love him. He is a bit hard to like in the beginning but his hardcore protectiveness of his family is mostly to blame and when he falls for Katy, he would do anything to protect her. His witty way with words is ultra hot too!
  • Aiden St. Delphi (Covenant Series)- What can I say about Aiden the pure. He is one of the the most loyal and honest men but I think we can all agree that so many times we wanted to kick him for it when it came to Alex. We can forgive him though, because his so sweet and sexy.
There you have it, those are my book boyfriends I love. Please join in and share the men you like to swoon over.

Next week's topic will be: Book Quotes you Love and a Latte