Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving: Bookish Things I'm Thankful For!

Today is a day to be thankful and I am so thankful for my family, friends and all the blessings I have in my life. I'm also thankful to be a part of this amazing blogging community so I thought I would share the bookish things I'm thankful for today.

 E-Readers & E-Books

I love books but I absolutely adore my Kindle Fire. I love being able to have all of my books with me anywhere I go and I love that the covers are on the Kindle Fire too. E-books also allow indie authors to publish their books and I have read some really awesome books that I wouldn’t have been able to read without an e-reader.

 Kindle Highlighter

I love book quotes and I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t highlight them. I never want to mark up a paperback or hard copy with a highlighter or pen. Being able to highlight quotes and passages while reading is amazing. Participating in meme’s like Swoon Thursday would be a lot more challenging with out it.

Amazon One-Click

This is probably NOT really a good thing to be thankful for because it makes it so much easier for me to binge spend on books but I love it. Buying e-books on Amazon has never been faster and more convenient!


Amazon and Audible have this amazing thing where if you buy an e-book, you can get the audio book at a super discounted price. It will also sync between your kindle and the audio so you can listen and read the book at the same time. 


I love NetGalley and Edelwiess and not because of the free books. Sure, it’s great to get books free to read but I would gladly buy them. I absolutely LOVE getting to read books before they are released because I have no patience to wait until they are released.

Book Blogs/Blogging Buddies

I have discovered SO many great new books and authors from visiting other book blogs and chatting with other bloggers. I have also met some AWESOME people who love the same books as I do and who have so much more in common. I have made some super good friends through blogging and I am truly THANKFUL for that.

Book Boyfriends

Who doesn’t love their book boyfriends? I know I do and I am so thankful to have them around. Book boyfriends have definitely upped my expectations and I may never find love again but hey, at least I have my books.


Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for AUTHORS. Seriously, without them we wouldn’t have any of these bookish things. Authors take us into new worlds and get us hooked on their stories. They bring characters to life that we connect with and grow to love and hate. I want to thank all the authors out there that treat their fans like friends and sign our books and connect with us on a personal level. You make being a reader and a blogger even better than it already is.