Monday, August 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #15: Top Books I Wish Had Sequels

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/meme created by The Broke & the Bookish. Here we list our top ten picks for the topic.

This week's topic is:
Top Ten Books I Wish Had Sequels

This weeks topic was tough for me because I seem to read a lot of series books or books with companion novels. Here's what I came up with.

1. Easy~ I absolutely adored this book and I would totally love to have more Lucas!
2. The Sea of Tranquility~ This book, that is all I can say. A companion novel with Drew would be amazing!
3. Something Like Normal~ I would love to see how things play out with Harper and Travis.
4. Sweet Thing~ I will never get enough of Will Ryan. Enough said!
5. Subject to Change~ This book had a wonderful ending but they still had obstacles to overcome.

6. Unbreak Me~ I loved this book and it was emotionally intense but I would love more!
7. Waiting for the Storm~ I would love to see where life takes Charlotte and Ezra. They are so cute!
8. Wounded~ There could be SO much more to Rania and Hunter's story!
9. Losing Francesca~ This had a satisfying, happy ending but I wouldn't mind some more Brody.
10. Obsession~ I love the Arum almost as much as the Lux and would love some more Hunter.

What books would you like to see sequels for?